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Why is my Android slow? 12 ways to make your phone faster

Faster Android Phone

Let's dive into the world of smartphone performance because, hey, who doesn't want their phone to run fast as lightning? These days, phones are like F1 cars, getting faster every year with each iteration – at least, that's what those virtual tests tell us. But here's the deal, the average user can't always spot the difference between two F1 cars. To them, both phones are in the fast lane. It's those benchmark scores that let us rank these beasts when it comes to performance.

Now, recently, the smartphone industry has been lit up by some stunning flagship models. They've wowed the crowds with super quick app launches, smooth screen transitions, and an all-around slick user experience. But guess what? It's not just the big boys that are playing this game. Even mid-range phones are keeping up the pace. And hold onto your hat, even budget models are putting on a good show.

But there's some caveat, no matter how much of a performance monster your phone is, it's gonna slow down over time. It's like life – everything ages. Those lags, freezes, and stutters? Yeah, they're gonna show up. But the good news is, most of the time, you can sort 'em out without much fuss. Clear the cache, say goodbye to apps you don't need – it's like cleaning up your digital closet. But sometimes, it's a factory reset or an upgrade to a snazzier phone that's gonna save the day.

If you wanna keep your phone running like Hamilton, regular maintenance is the name of the game. Take care of it, and it'll take care of you. But let's be real, even the fastest phone's gonna hit the brakes at some point. So, if you're thinking, "Why is my phone so slow?" – we've got the lowdown right here. Buckle up, let's roll.

12 ingenious ways to Speed Up Your Slow Phone

A sluggish phone is like a speed bump in your day. It messes with your multitasking mojo and turns simple tasks into snail-paced marathons. Nobody's got time for that! But slow performance can mess with more than just your groove. It can mess with your messaging, your gaming, and even your job if you're not careful. So, if you've been wondering why your phone is dragging its digital feet, we've got the answers and the solutions. Here are 12 ways to give your phone a turbo boost:

01. Restart Your Phone Periodically

Hand holding pixel 7 pro on the power menu

Yep, we're starting with the basics. Just like you need a breather after a long day, your phone needs a reset now and then. It's like a mini-vacation for your tech. You can also scheduled a restart every night so that you don't have to do it manually. 

02. Clean up Storage Space

Your phone's a digital hoarder, and that can slow it down. So, roll up your sleeves and declutter. Delete apps you don't use, clear out old photos, and say goodbye to those embarrassing videos you've been hanging onto. Your phone may also have unused apps and cache which you can remove to gain more free storage. 

You can backup your data to the cloud to save up storage on your device 

Recommended: How to uninstall bloatwares from phone without root and PC

03. Update Your Phone's Software

Holding a phone with software update menu

Software updates aren't just for new emojis. They often come with performance improvements. Keep your phone fresh by staying up to date. Though make sure the update your installing is safe. You can search up on Google with the current updates name and google will show you if it's defective on not. 

04. Resource-Intensive Apps

Source: Unsplash

Some apps are like bottomless pits, gobbling up resources. Identify the culprits and decide if they're worth the slowdown. Make sure to uninstall all power hungry apps that you don't use and use the lite version if possible. 

05. Cache and Data Buildup

google pixel all apps in settings google pixel app info clear app cache on google pixel

Apps love to collect stuff in the background, and that stuff can pile up. Clear out the cache and get your phone breathing freely again. You can do that by going to settings or going to your phone manager app. 

06. Turn Off Location & Bluetooth Services

Background GPS can be a resource hog. Only let it run when you really need it. It can use up phones resources leaving it slow. When turning off if you see any notifications just simply ignore it. You also have to turn off Bluetooth services. It's like shedding unnecessary baggage. When Bluetooth is constantly searching for devices to connect with, it can slow down your phone's performance. So, if you're not using it, flick that switch and let your phone zoom along without any extra weight.

07. Disable Low-Power Mode

While it's great for saving battery, low-power mode can slow things down. Decide what matters more to you: performance or battery life. Just don't use the feature all the time like a freak :(

08. Turn off or Reduce Animations

speed up animations on Android phone 1 speed up animations on Android phone 2 speed up animations on Android phone 3 speed up animations on Android phone 4 speed up animations on Android phone 5

Here's a nifty trick to speed up your Android device but it involves flicking those fancy animations. Now, to pull this off, you need to unlock something called "Developer Options" on your device. It might sound techy, but it's actually a piece of cake. Just follow these simple steps:

  • First, open up your device's Settings.
  • Scroll down and look for "About phone."
  • Tap on "build number" seven times.

Boom! You've just unleashed the Developer Options. Now, You can tweak those animations to make your phone feel even snappier. Inside the Developer Options, you'll see three animation scales you can play with:

  • Window animation scale
  • Transition animation scale
  • Animator duration scale

Adjust these to your liking and you'll notice the difference right away. It's like telling your phone's visual effects crew to work a little faster behind the scenes. So go ahead, give it a try, and watch your Android device take off with smoother performance. Your phone will thank you for it!

09. Turn Off Widgets

Widgets on your home screen are like tiny apps constantly running. Disable the ones you don't really need. It saves your phone's ram a ton and help you to speed up your device. 

10. Swap Live for Static Wallpapers

Now, let's talk about live wallpapers for a moment. They can be eye-catching, dynamic, and add a touch of personality to your device. You might have a mesmerizing galaxy swirling in the background or a soothing waterfall cascading down your screen. But here's the thing – all that eye candy comes at a cost.

Live wallpapers are like the high-maintenance friend of your phone. They're constantly in motion, using up your phone's precious resources. Think of it as carrying a heavy backpack all day – it slows you down, and your phone's no different.

You see, live wallpapers can gobble up your CPU cycles and drain your battery faster than you can say "smooth animation." This excessive resource usage can make your phone run as slow as molasses on a cold winter day. And let's be honest, nobody likes a sluggish phone.

Now, here's where static wallpapers come to the rescue. They're like a breath of fresh air for your device. These wallpapers are, well, static. They don't demand much from your phone's hardware. They're lightweight, efficient, and won't hog your resources.

By making the switch to static wallpapers, you're essentially lightening the load on your Android phone. It can now operate with greater ease, speed, and responsiveness. You'll notice apps launching faster, smoother navigation, and an overall snappier experience.

So, if you're on a quest for a faster, more efficient Android phone, consider saying goodbye to those dynamic wallpapers and opt for a static one that suits your style. It's a simple tweak that can make a world of difference in how your device performs. Your Android will thank you by running like a well-oiled machine, ready to tackle whatever tasks you throw its way.

11. Install a custom ROM

Holding phone with custom ROM installed phone

If you've got an aging Android phone that's seen better days or one that's no longer getting support from the manufacturer, then you can install a custom ROM to make your device smooth as butter. Oh, and a heads-up – if your warranty's still kickin', this might void it. So, tread carefully.

First things first, check if your phone's bootloader can be unlocked. If not, you might hit a dead end. But if you're in the clear, you've got options.

Custom ROMs like LineageOS and Paranoid Android are the cool kids on the block. They can breathe new life into your old phone. But hold on, cowboy, not all custom ROMs are created equal. The stability can be a bit hit or miss, depending on your device. So, do your homework before you dive in. The XDA forums are like the sage old pros of this game – a good place to start your journey.

Custom ROMs can brick your phone, so you don't want to do this unless you're willing to buy a new phone.

12. Restore to Factory Settings

factory reset phone google pixel 7 pro Factory Reset

Image Source: XDA Developers

So, if you've tried all the tricks in the book and your phone's still dragging its digital feet, it's time to kick things up a notch. We're talking about a factory reset, and it's like going all-in to boost your phone's performance. This move takes your device back to its fresh-out-of-the-box state

This wipes out all your data. So, before you hit that reset button, make sure you've got a backup of all your precious stuff!

To give your phone a little speed boost, these tips work wonders, especially for those trusty old phones. But let's face it, there comes a moment when your phone's gotta retire. When that day comes, be smart about it. Choose a new phone that fits your needs like a glove.


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